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8. Add-ons Welcome

There are many things that could be added to the installer to facilitate installation and configuration of the operating system. This guide is intended as a starting point for Anaconda add-on development; it is not intended as a comprehensive guide showing everything that can be accomplished with add-ons.
Apart from the trivial Hello World add-on demonstrated in this guide and the Kdump add-on mentioned earlier, you can also use the OpenSCAP Anaconda Add-on as a source of additional information, tips and patterns which may be useful in custom add-on development.
Members of the Anaconda development team (and in particular Vratislav Podzimek) are always willing to help add-on developers with their questions and issues. The best place to ask for help is the anaconda-devel mailing list that is read and moderated by the Anaconda developers.
If you have a request for a new feature to be added into the Anaconda codebase or API, or if you discover a bug, you can send your patches (tested and checked with pylint [6] ) to the anaconda-patches mailing list for review. If your patch is accepted, one of the developers will push it to the Anaconda GitHub repository.
Keep in mind, add-ons and patches welcome!

[6] to facilitate testing and pylint checks, the make check command may be used to run tests and checks with quite effective false-positives handling